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薇薇安‧衛斯伍德的時尚生涯(Vivienne Westwood)

Vivienne Westwood (圖片來源:臺北市立美術館)

雖然不是很懂時尚,但是Vivianne Westwood這位女士的芳名卻有耳聞。自七○年代為搖滾樂團設計的龐克裝扮開始至今,穿越了不同時代,具備象徵著顛覆、叛逆、時尚與卓越品味的服飾意象。換句話來說,因為他盛名已久,影響的層面不單單只是時尚更還有一種英式文化的轉變意味。



展覽日期: 2005.9.1 - 2005.10.19
展覽地點: 台北市立美術館
開放時間: 週二~週日上午09:30至下午5:30,週一休館(逢國定假日及連續假期照常開館,隔日順延休館)
地址: 台北市104中山北路三段181號
展覽票價: 全票:每張新台幣三十元。優待票:每張新台幣十五元。

This exhibition mainly shows the outfits of Vivienne Westwood, a British designer who designed for 1970’s rock bands. The outfits have been popular for many years. They symbolize rebellion, fashion and taste. During the exhibition the Taipei Fine Arts Museum also has planned a series of British cultural activities with content related to fashion, culture, design art and music, so that viewers can better understand the close link between fashion design and culture in England.

Some people say that fashion is an attitude, and I totally agree. Having stuff with a brand can’t be called fashion. Fashion means how you will show yourself and your imagination to other people.

《The Info》

Date: 2005.9.1 - 2005.10.19
Place: Taipei Fine Museum
Offical Hours: Tuesday-Sunday 09:30 to 17:30. Open on national holidays. Closed Mondays and the day following national holidays
Address: 181, ZhongShan N. Road, Sec. 3, Taipei 104, Taiwan
Admission price: Adult admission: $30NT;Concessions: $15 NT


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